Choose the right tech for your transformation journey.

How to make the best decisions for your brand when it comes to future-proofing your e-commerce technology stack.


Best-for-me vs All-in-one


  • Highly flexible and customizable
  • Virtually limitless scope and functionality
  • Can be slower to initiate with multiple moving pieces
  • Can be leveraged as part of an existing all-in-one stack


  • Prioritizes simplicity over flexibility
  • Limited scope and access to functions
  • Setup time can be faster with fewer integrations

Choosing an all-in-one solution can be fine for some brands, but we see it as similar to an all-inclusive vacation. It might seem convenient, but is it going to be the right fit forever?

Not sure where to start?

Get access to this Forrester report and get some expert ideas on how to navigate vendor ecosystem, tech selection and internal change management to use commerce technologies for efficiency, agility, and growth.


What business problem
are you trying to solve?


Choose experience first if...

  • You’re limited by your current stack’s ability to deliver the right
    experience across all channels
  • Your customers are choosing your competitors based on the
    experience they offer, not the product benefits or price point

Choose operations first if...

  • You’re focused primarily on omnichannel and complex channel distribution
  • Your Sales Support Centre struggles to manage claim volume across channels

Your next steps

It’s best to start with the foundations of your Digital Experience Platform.
In our opinion, that’s content.


Asset 5

Flexibility is paramount. Consumer expectations and channels can shift at any moment.


Asset 4

Pairing the right-for-you commerce stack with the right content platform can unlock a world of opportunties.


Asset 3

Search, recommendation, and and personalization are key tools in connecting consumers to the right products quickly.


Asset 2

A window into insights will help transform a hypothesis into measurable actions.

Uncertain about the next step on your move to modular commerce?

Discover how a session with one of our Solution Consultants could save you
weeks of investigation and months of false starts on your projects.



The journey to success with a modular architecture is one of evolution. With the flexibility your stack now has, you will be able to make further investments in improvement, channel activation, and new growth, as your organization matures its digital capabilities.